Graphic design is a craft where professionals create visual content to communicate messages. By applying visual hierarchy and page layout techniques, designers use typography and pictures to meet users’ specific needs and focus on the logic of displaying elements in interactive designs, to optimize the user experience.When designing for UX, Consider the information architecture of your interactive designs, to ensure accessibility for users. Leverage graphic design skills to create work that considers the entire user experience, including users’ visual processing abilities.

1. Visual identity graphic design-
A brand is a relationship between a business or organization and its audience. A brand identity is how the organization communicates its personality, tone and essence, and memories, emotions and experiences. Visual identity graphic design is exactly that: the visual elements of brand identity that act as the face of a brand to communicate those intangible qualities through images, shapes and color.
2. Marketing & advertising graphic design-
When most people think of graphic design, they think of designs created for marketing and advertising.Companies depend on successful marketing efforts to tap into their target audience’s decision-making process. Great marketing engages people based on the wants, needs, awareness and satisfaction they have about a product, service or brand. Since people will always find visual content more engaging, graphic design helps organizations promote and communicate more effectively.
3. User interface graphic design-
A user interface (UI) is how a user interacts with a device or application. UI design is designing interfaces to make them easy to use and provide a user-friendly experience. A UI includes all the things a user interacts with — the screen, keyboard and mouse — but in graphic design, UI design focuses on the user’s visual experience and the design of on-screen graphic elements like buttons, menus, micro-interactions, and more. It’s a UI designer’s job to balance aesthetic appeal with technical functionality.
4. Publication graphic design-
Publications are long-form pieces that communicate with an audience through public distribution. They have traditionally been a print medium. Publication design is a classic design — thin books, newspapers, magazines and catalogs. However, there’s recently been a significant rise in digital publishing.
5. Packaging graphic design
Most products require a packaging to protect and prepare them for storage, distribution, and sale. But packaging design can also communicate directly to consumers, which makes it an extremely valuable marketing tool. Every box, bottle and bag, every can, container, or canister is a chance to tell the story of a brand.Packaging designers create concepts, develop mockups, and create the print-ready files for a product. This requires expert knowledge of print processes and a keen understanding of industrial design and manufacturing. Because packaging design touches so many disciplines, it’s not uncommon for designers to create other assets for a product such as photography, illustrations and visual identity.
6. Motion graphic design-
Put, motion graphics are graphics that are in motion. This can include animation, audio, typography, imagery, video and other effects that are used in online media, television and film. The medium’s popularity has skyrocketed in recent years as technology improved and video content became king. “Motion graphics designer” is a somewhat new specialty for designers. Formally reserved for TV and film, technological advances have reduced production time and costs, making the art form more accessible and affordable. Now, motion graphics is one of the newest types of design and can be found across all digital platforms, which has created many new areas and opportunities.
7. Environmental graphic design-
Environmental graphic design visually connects people to places to improve their overall experience by making spaces more memorable, informative or easier to navigate.Environmental graphic design is a multidisciplinary practice that merges graphic, architectural, interior, landscape and industrial design. Designers collaborate with people in many these fields to plan and implement their designs. Because of that, designers typically have education and experience in both graphic design and architecture. They must be familiar with industrial design concepts and able to read and sketch architectural plans.
8. Art and illustration for graphic design-
We often see graphic art and illustration as being the same as graphic design, however they’re each very different. Designers create compositions to communicate and solve problems, graphic artists and illustrators create original artwork. Their art takes several forms, from fine art to decoration to storytelling illustrations.Even though graphic art and illustration are not technically types of graphic design, so much is created for commercial use within the context of graphic design you can’t talk about one without the others.